who tf
is this

I'm Jess

I’m a life coach that helps you
Own Your MF Power

I consider myself an expert at this, since I’ve lived most of my life  NOT  owning my MF power

Listen, I cuss and I ain’t about to change that about me.

As a matter of fact, it’s part of me de-weaponising words that have been used against women for a long time.

For example, owning the fuck out of the word Bitch turns me the fuck on, and it makes me feel powerful.

Damn right I’m a Bad Bitch. And so are you (takes one to know one 😉 )

So, what did NOT owning my MF Power look like?

Being afraid to be seen.
Being socialised and taught not to be too loud.
To not disturb other people.

In essence, I was taught how to be LESS me.

And that was a very painful journey. I didn’t understand what was happening, why I wasn’t happy, despite having ticked off all the “shoulds”.

I thought there was something wrong with me. That I was broken and unworthy. And that showed up as me being the victim of Every. Fucking. Thing.

I was in a relationship where I made anything my partner did or didn’t do mean that he didn’t love me. I had a career that I knew I didn’t want to be in, but because I was pretty damn good at it, I stayed.

I was playing the VICTIM - feeling like I wasn’t in control of anything in my life - it felt like life was happening TO me.

And then I found my salvation. Through ending my relationship, I started slowly finding my way back to myself.

I became a self-help junkie. And eventually that led me to finding coaching.

My mind was BLOWN at the shit I was learning

Things like:

- You don’t have to believe every single thought you have
- Other people cannot make you feel any sort of way
- Your THOUGHTS create your emotions
- You are 100% responsible for everything that happens to you
-You are the creator of your experience

Today, these are things I live by.

These are some of the many things that have enabled me to step into and

It’s taken me years to figure this shit out, and in doing so, I want to help you get there faster.

Through working with me 1:1 for 6 months, we will uncover all the limiting thoughts and beliefs that are holding you back.

We will dig deep and strengthen your foundation through you getting to know yourself fully.

You will have such a deep understanding of who TF you are that no matter what happens, you’ll feel safe and confident that you’ll be able to handle it.

Don’t be fooled, this work is 100% life changing, AND it can also be the most difficult thing you’ll ever do.

But I’ll be DAMNED
if it isn’t the most rewarding and most expanding experience you’ll ever have

Just because it’s going to be one heck of a ride, doesn’t mean we can’t have fun doing it

Hard work doesn’t have to be vanilla
(cuz by now you sure as shit
understand that ain’t my jam)

If you’re ready to go on this adventure with me, don’t wait.